
Since the year 2000, Steve Harney has been doing public school character education programs. Steve has literally spoken to over 250,000 students, in over 20 states and foreign countries, telling them to be honest, loyal, dependable, trustworthy, respectful, responsible friendly and not to be a bully. After all, Character is "Doing what's right, because it is the right thing to do!" In the "It's Magic" programs, children not only hear the message about this magical character, but they get to participate in that message. Steve and his team use great visuals, hands on learning, practical ideas that students can implement immediately and they get the students and teachers involved. Everyone walks away from these assemblies knowing that there really is some magic in Character. "It is the magic that can change your life. It is the magic that makes life worth living." Steve will bring an excitement to your school that will not be soon forgotten. We encourage you to schedule your program today and watch what can happen when your students learn that Character really is magical.
Below you will find a link to download everything you need to plan for a Nights of Illusions/School Character Magic Shows. Please let us know if you have any questions.